Sunday, 23 November 2014

Drop the excess baggage

Often times we carry so much excess baggage from the out-going year into the new; and still expect blessings and progress. One thing I have learned the hard way is to "never carry what you are not double sure you need into a new 'life'"- new life here could mean a lot- new apartment, job, relationship, year, etc.
Bless up.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Familiarity breeds contempt

"Familiarity" they say "breeds contempt". It also leads to complacency which is a poisonous killer of dreams and aspirations. No matter how good you are at "something" or how close you are with someone, let not complacency nor the evils of familiarity becloud your vision. 
Love you.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

Stop hiding "behind" social media

If you have a problem with someone you claim you love or used to love, it is better to pick up a phone and call the person to let him/her know how you are hurting. Don't hide behind faceless texts/sms- that is cowardice. 
Worse of all, is to use your facebook and whatsapp updates and status respectively to insult or cast insinuations at people. Be bold and speak to the person on phone or better still in person. Bless up. Remember, in life there are no permanent enemies- be smart.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

God never leaves anything unaccomplished

The song says My Lord who begun it will accomplish it
God will not just complete or end it but accomplish it - take u to an expected end; no disappointments. We don't need God's help. We actually need to surrunder all to Him so that He can accomplish it. He can and is willing. In these trying times of hardships, our best bet for a quality life is an UNWAVERING FAITH in God.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

NEVER stop asking

Good day. Today I encourage us to be bold to ask for what we want. Bible says "ask and it shall be given unto you". God didnt say "sit down and worry". So put shyness and fear away and ask. Else some dude will just take what is rightly yours. If it demands asking a thousand times; pls do it but humbly and with different approach.- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

Stop not your own blessings

The blessings of the Elohim will start manifesting if you are bold enough to get rid of some misfits in your precious life. He says He is a jealous God who does not share His glory. Be bold. I am a living testimony to that. It's very true. yeah. and in like manner, when you align with the right people, your blessings come quick. Bless up.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985

Communicate appropriately

In communication we have a principle on "appropriateness". That is to say- is what you are communicating acceptable to your specific target audience? In a nutshell, you may have spoken the truth but the message may not be acceptable by your target- hence your communication has NOT been effective. And in some cases it could result in 'slaps'. lol. So before you "speak", make sure it is very appropriate. Bless up.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985