Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Learn to give

If you are always RECEIVING and not GIVING in your relationships (all kinds) then know that such a relationship will NOT stand the test of time. It's a GIVE and TAKE affair. This ensures respect and some semblance of TRUST for sustainability. Even with God, we must give our HEARTS
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Monday, 29 September 2014

Not all gold glitters

It is said that all that glitters is not gold. True. But my question is "does every gold glitter"? Is it possible to have gold that may not glitter? Certain good things may not come in attractive packages. Check the content and don't be so much in love with just the container.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Eschew lateness

One of the most annoying things about life is being late for a function and not showing any genuine remorse about your actions. Eschew lateness for it is not in anyway a good virtue. Make a pledge to avoid lateness all the time.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Friday, 26 September 2014

Be strategic about what controls you

To what extent do you allow people's opinions to affect your emotions and decision making? Remember that only God knows it all. Know your desired destination in life. But don't despise wise counsel. Bless up.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyaffu

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Success is not a destination

I have come to accept the fact that you cannot get far if you intend replicating the exact things others have done in the past. Success is not a destination but an attitude. Neither is it an STD; but you can learn from the success stories of others. I'm on my way to the very top . Watch out for my flag if you get there. Bless up.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Manage your anger

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being angry and expressing it. Yeah. That's a fact. However, the issue really is about how we react when we are angry. A minute spent to ponder over our options available will lead us to react to or express anger in a more matured manner. But NEVER forget that Cancer is a close relative of hatred, anger and grief. Be healthy by living a happy life.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Despise not humble beginnings

Never despise humble beginnings in everything you do in life. Emphasis is on humble; not cheap beginnings. Mind you- humility must not necessarily lead to humiliation.
Don't be afraid to start small. Just rely on God to grow it because He alone knows the end before the beginning commences. But pls let's not be cheap. And don't settle for less. Know your worth.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Be choosy, but tactical about it

Did you at any point in your life think you will be who/where/what you are presently? Let's be very careful about how we choose certain individuals over others just because of money or social standing. You can never tell what tomorrow has in store. YES. We must be selective BUT we ought to be tactical and wise about it. 
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Be a critical thinker

One major deficiency of the human race is the ability to prioritise especially in situations of scarcity and emergencies. Never be in a rush in decision making. A minute spent to reason critically could save years of ruins. Be blessed.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

learn to take risks

It cannot be denied that life itself is a risk. Every decision we make has a risk factor involved. Today I am asking "what risks have you taken. Which ones are you yet to take; and which ones aren't you sure of"? Some say "No pain- no gain". But I go with "no risk - no reward".
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Monday, 15 September 2014

Be alert for opportunities

We all have expectations and aspirations in life. Yet we don't have the same opportunities and abilities. However, everyone surely gets a chance at a point in time. Some big opportunities come in small packages. Be on the alert so that you don't miss yours. Blessed day
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Friday, 12 September 2014

Never visit empty handed

Never visit any relative or close friend empty handed especially if that person has children or dependants. No matter how rich he/she appears to be, still never go empty handed. And please don't go with any cheap stuff too. Lol. Let's learn to command respect. Blessed weekend.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Body odor- are they not aware???

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Be not intimidated- be confident

Why does it become difficult for some people to say "NO!" to people when they know for a fact that what they are asking of/from them is not worth it? It is because they have a low self esteem - a very negative trait. Be proud of who you are! Don't get intimidated. Be bold. Be confident. Command respect. And live a happy life.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Be sure it makes sense before you utter it

When you are sent to deliver good news, the recipient(s) of the message may be pleased with you for "a good job done". However if it's unpleasant news, then you the "messenger" could incur the wrath of the receipient(s) depending on how you package and present it. Some may silently brand you in their hearts and minds as "a fool". Let's learn to communicate effectively. Bless up
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Communicate effectively

Communication is an essential component of life. Be careful not just about the content of your message but the timing and the purpose as well. Packaging and delivery are crucial in the communication process. Don't say in the morning, what must be told at night. Have a blessed mid-week. 
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Monday, 8 September 2014

Is hell real?

Simple questions I want to ask this morning. In your opinion what happens to the soul after physical death? Are Heaven and Hell real? Do you believe in eternity? Will there be judgement after death? What happens when a person's heart stops beating forever? Hmmm. I have been in deep thoughts overnight
(Matthew 25:41)
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Forgive, but cut the misfits off

Anger and bitterness really are poisonous. I tell you. It is always good to forgive others irrespective of what they did or intended to do to you. However, NOT everyone deserves a second chance. YES. You are better off cutting certain misfits from your precious life. Have a beautiful life.
- Ato Afful (Son of Elohim), Ghana
Media and Communications Consultant/Specialist & Trainer
Tel: 0265028985
Email: sammyafful@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Respect those who celebrate you

Often times, people are easily lured into thinking that because some people celebrate them and hold them in high esteem, it is ok to look down on such people. Some even abuse (verbally and sometimes physically) the very people who hold them in high esteem; and the painful thing is they do so without blinking an eye, Wait a minute. If you wanna succeed in life, you need numbers- people to buy into what you do. It doesn't matter the number- I am not talking about a mere crowd but quality. Bless up.
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Friday, 5 September 2014

Our thoughts create our future

What we will experience today is a direct result of our actions and thoughts in our past. Our thoughts create our future. So let's think positive irrespective of the obstacles and uncertainties. Over the past we have been made to believe that it is only our actions that cause the creation of our future. Not entirely true. The things we spend time thinking deeply about, actually create our future- this is because our thoughts easily cause us to take certain actions. Be aware of this and take control of your thoughts.
Have a blessed life.

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Don't grow weary of doing good

YES! We all know that it is very painful and even annoying when you sacrifice  your time, love, energy and resources for the good of others; only for them to pay you back with hatred, jealousy or usually in the negative. PAUSE! Please listen. What makes our lives beautiful is how much love we are able to give others. So dont stop doing good. 

Remember what you do to others, you automatically attract; may be not now but surely it will come. Have a blessed day.

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Don't create unnecessary road blocks

In life's journey to Success City, you cannot graduate from class one to class two and still maintain your colleagues who failed the class one exams as your only pals. 

At every level in life, you meet new people. Old friends are good. YES. But why keep unproductive friends who have no appreciation for excellence and progress? 

Life is a journey so don't create unnecessary road blocks with bad company.

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Be not ignorant about man's wickedness

The people we expect to show us love, to defend and protect us when we are faced with challenges, are the very ones who will push us down into destruction. Come on! Even the Elohim, at a point in time, regretted creating man and leaving him on Earth (Genesis 6:6). Bible says the heart of man is deep and wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). That is the extent to which humans can be wicked. But no fears. You have every power to decide how man's wickedness affects you. Look only to God. Also be attentive to God's voice when your instincts speak to you especially in times of trials. And remember - Do not share your dreams and aspirations with just anyone. Some can be contracted destiny killers. We call them the "snake talkers". 

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Keep your secrets to yourself

One of the greatest weapons your enemies can use against you is your secrets. But fear not. Be aware of the possible harm these secrets could do to if they became public. Then device a strategy to manage the situation if the secrets ever leaked or got into wrong hands. More importantly keep it in mind that secrets are BEST kept between you and God. Bless you.
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Be mindful of the physical aspect of life

Life has both the spiritual and physical aspects. Most religious people are so spiritual that they ignore the fact that God blesses the works of our hands. You wanna reap where you have not sown? After prayer and fasting, diligence in hard work follows. Idleness is a panacea for evil thoughts and deeds, and a close relative to poverty. Get busy for something. Be productive.
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Stay away from evil people

When God asked Abram to leave his family to the land He (God) was going to give him, Abram took his nephew (Lot) with him. In effect he didn't really leave his family. Now, when Lot left Abraham (Genesis ch 13), God appeared in the scene and the process to have his name changed to Abraham (father of all) actually begun. So let's pave way for our blessings. Get rid of unproductive and evil people around you. By their fruits (words & deeds) you should identify them. Blessed day.
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Rid yourself of fake friends

Yes! You may wonder why I am particularly concerned about getting rid of unproductive and irrelevant people from our lives. Bible even says it that bad company corrupts good morals (1st Corinthians 15:33). Get rid of them before they reduce you to their level. They can only pull you down (to where they are). Move with people who can pull you up to where they are; or push you up to where they yearn to be. Have a fulfilling life.
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Don't expect others to solve your problems

Today I am asking you "How do you deal with challenges of life"? Do not be in a haste to run to people when you have the least challenge in life. It doesn't command their respect. Always look within you for strength. Talk to God in your way. Be a stronger person. Don't depend on others; but never hesitate to ask for help when you really need it. I wish you a happier life
- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Life is not a race

Life is not a race. usually if you rush, you crush
Desist from worrying if you are even certain that you really haven't "implanted" anything meaningful that you are expecting a delivery or harvest at this moment. 

Life is NOT a race. In the event where it becomes a race, overtaking is certainly allowed. 

Begin to plan and make meaningful investments for your future. And beware of the WORDS you speak. They actually create who we become. 

Love you

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Where are your footprints in the sands of time?

"Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down".
So get up and get something doing. Be busy. Business simply means being busy. That is busy-ness: the act of being busy. Ever heard this statement that "Faint hearts never won fair ladies"?
Also, it is said and believed that "the devil finds work for the idle hands". Your idleness only attracts poverty into your life. Never leave any seat for poverty to occupy when it visits your abode. Let it know it is not welcome. Be blessed.

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Don't make false promises

Don't be the reason for a broken promise
I encourage you to desist from making promises you cannot keep. Bragging has NEVER been a requirement for success. And in like manner beware of liars and sweet talkers. ACTION will always speak louder than words. Note: Not just action but SUSTAINED & CONSISTENT action. 
So in effect, make sure you are also not a liar or a mere sweet talker. Over time people will get to know you for what you are. The pretense will not last.
Shine your eyes. Be vigilant to be able to fish out the fake friends. Be blessed.

- Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

Be a giver, not just a receiver

Giving is an opportunity
I encourage you to find someone who has put a smile on your face (someone who has done you some good in recent past) and do something for them. Yes. Don't always be at the receiving end. Learn to be a giver for there is more blessing in giving than receiving- Acts 20:35. In view of this, as you read this message,  I urge you to send someone any kind of gift- it can be of any kind. Let it be from your heart and within your means. Scripture cannot lie. Be blessed. You can give your time or material possessions. Whatever it is, just give something to someone today.

Ato Afful, Media and Communications Specialist & Trainer, Accra, Ghana 
Tel/Whatsapp: +233 265 028 985
Email: sammyafful@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammyafful

You may check this link:

10 Reasons Why It Is More Blessed to Give than to Receive by David Murray, Professor, Pastor, Author

1. Giving obeys God’s command
2. Giving submits to God’s Lordship
3. Giving exhibits God’s heart
4. Giving illustrates God’s salvation
5. Giving trusts God’s provision
6. Giving widens God’s smile
7. Giving advances God’s kingdom
8. Giving promotes God’s sanctification
9. Giving testifies to God’s power
10. Giving praises God’s character
Source: http://www.christianity.com/church/tithing-and-giving/10-reasons-why-it-is-more-blessed-to-give-than-to-receive.html?p=2